Kanyo plus one ~ Octopus Shrine ~


Do you know that there is an octopus shrine in Minamisanriku-cho where our hotel is located?

The official name is Iriya Hachiman Shrine. Iriya Hachiman Shrine is known as "Hachiman-san" and has long been worshiped as the god of happiness.

First, go through the concrete torii gate.

After climbing several dozen steps, the shrine office is on the left, and beyond that is the second red torii gate.

And, after climbing several dozen steps, there is the last red torii gate.

After passing through the last red torii gate, there is the worship hall. There is a bronze statue of an octopus in front of the worship hall.

.The area is known as 'Akashi in the west, Shizugawa in the east' and is known for its octopus production. Octopus means that if you place it in Japanese, you will pass the exam. Octopus-shaped paperweights are popular as exam goods because the English name Octopus is a pun on the word "pass (to pass the exam) when placed".

Looking back from the worship hall, I look at the stairs I climbed.

《 Sacred tree cedar 》
The tree is said to be over 450 years old.

Access to "Iriya Hachiman Shrine " ; About 11 minutes drive from our hotel.

Good day ! from Minhong and so long !!

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Hotel Kanyo is the official sponsor of the Rakuten Eagles.


一週間ぶりのご無沙汰です Bluebirder*Sです

19日夜 観洋では スターパーティーが開かれました
月一回のレギュラー版ではなく 夏休み特別開催

星空指数の高い日を狙って イレギュラーで開いています

8月のレギュラー版は 27日の予定ですが
今月は既に そのPart 1を 5日に開催
19日は Part 2でございました

この日は いつもより遅く午後8時半にスタート
ところが・・・ 午後8時を過ぎる頃には
既にお客様が 屋上 "汐風の空"に 殺到!!

そんな勢いで この日は
何と のべ200人超え 300人に及ぼうかというお客様に

ご覧いただいたのは "土星の環" "木星" "夏の大三角形"など

8時半から9時くらいですと "木星"は東の空 比較的水平線近く

"土星"は 南南東の空の比較的高い位地に

スマホのレンズを当てて撮ろうとしましたが  叶いませんでしたので・・・
先に 8月6日 鳥観用のデジスコで撮影していたものでご紹介します

まずは"土星"  こんな感じ

衛星撮影の腕が足りず 解像度 悪し
それでも 辛うじて "環"がわかりますね

19日当日 お客様は こうして望遠鏡を覗き込んでは"土星"の姿を確認・・・
土星の本体と 氷でできた環がくっきり観えると
"わぁ~" とか "おぉ~"とか "すげぇ!"とか
嬌声やら 歓声やら 驚きやら
なりふり構わず 感嘆の声を挙げていらっしゃいました

これはもう 私たちスタッフとしては
スタパを開いた甲斐が 大あり というものです♪


一方 "木星"は こんな感じ   (再びデジスコ撮影画像)

こちらもまた 撮影技術が足りず ブレてピントの甘い画像ですが
"木星"本体と 周囲を周る "ガリレオ衛星"を確認出来ます
これ 地球で言うところの "月" です

見える衛星の数は その時期と時間帯によって変わるようです

そして "白鳥座"   19日の空です⇓

上の写真を明るく修正して 線で結んでみました       ⇓
尾羽の先にあたる星が 夏の大三角形の一角 "デネブ"

そもそも こちらも焦点が全然合っていなくて すみません
が それでかえって星座の星々に色が加わり きれいに観えています

さらに 南南西の空には "南斗六星" 南の柄杓(ひしゃく)星

おなじみ"北斗七星"に対して この名が付いたそうです

ナント! (笑)こちらもピンボケで すみません
が こちらも色が付いて もきれい♪

今月レギュラー開催のスタパは 27日

当館南三陸ホテル観洋 東館屋上 "汐風の空"で

ごいっしょに きれいな星空を 楽しみましょう


久しぶりに モネが観洋の岩場に姿を見せてくれました  おかえりモネ!

お約束の飛翔シーン やっと撮れました

岩場に佇む姿は そこはかとなく かわいい雰囲気
やっぱり 女の子です   こちらを見てますネ♪

Kanyo plus one ~ Hagurosan Shrine @ Ishinomaki ~

This time, I would like to introduce Hagurosan Shrine in Ishinomaki City, next to Minamisanriku-cho where the hotel is located.

Along with Hiyoriyama Park, it is known locally as a famous cherry blossom viewing spot, and it is also popular as a walking course due to its excellent view.

If you go around from the Ishinomaki City Library side of the stairs that continue from the precincts, you can also climb on a relatively gentle slope.

If you walk from Ishinomaki Station, you will have to climb 275 long stone steps.

It consists of two shrines, Toya Shrine and Haguro Shrine. There is Toya Shrine in front.

The view looking back from Toya Shrine.

Dragons are often placed in shrines, and it is said that they borrow the power of the dragon god to bring luck.

Many people come to see the cherry blossoms at Haguroyama Park during the cherry blossom season.

At the shrine office, you can purchase a Blue Impulse stamp book, and some people come just to buy it.

Access to "Hagurosan Toya Shrine " ; About 50 minutes drive from our hotel.

Good day ! from Minhong

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Hotel Kanyo is the official sponsor of the Rakuten Eagles.

Kanyo plus one ~ 3.11 Disaster Recovery Memorial Park @ Higashimatsushima ~


This time, I would like to introduce the 3.11 Disaster Recovery Memorial Park in Higashimatsushima City, which is one of the Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Memorial Parks built somewhere in the disaster area.

The JR Nobiru Station platform is preserved as the remains of the earthquake disaster, and is located in the "Earthquake Reconstruction Memorial Park " that has been developed along with the existing facilities and the damaged land in the vicinity. Through the photo panels and videos, you can learn the memories and lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the history of reconstruction town development.




You can see what happened before the earthquake on the JR Nobiru Station platform.


Earthquake Reconstruction Tradition Hall

Introducing the record of the earthquake disaster, the reconstruction situation, etc. with photo panels, videos, etc.


A ticket vending machine suitable for the disaster, a clock whose time stops at the time of the earthquake (around14:46).


Prayer Square 

A memorial monument (earthquake reconstruction monument) is set up. A space for visitors to pray is created by enshrining the name plates of those who died inside.

Access to "3.11 Disaster Recovery Memorial Park " ; About 55 minutes drive from our hotel.

Good day ! from Minhong

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